Thursday, January 6, 2011

Samuel Stuff

One of the blogs that I read, Kelly's Corner, did a post about all of the cute things her daughter is doing.  You can read it here.  I wanted to do the same thing for Samuel.

Vroom, Vroom!  Samuel is really into all things with wheels.  He doesn't call them cars or trucks, but Vrooms.  He has a whole bag of them and has really started pushing them around on the floor and making the noises.  A boy thing, I guess. 

Farm Animals:   he can make the noise for almost any farm animal at this point. He doesn't really name them yet, except cow, but he definitely has his own label for them.  When he sees a horse, he instantly whinnies.  The same with pigs, ducks, sheep, dogs, etc.

Caillou!  Oh man, is he into Caillou.  He has a big doll and we have at least 10 episodes DVR'd for him.  He's getting a little bitty Caillou doll for his birthday. Aunt Val got him a couple of Caillou videos for Christmas, but we chose to leave those with the grandparents who don't get Sprout or PBS.

Words:  this is my area of concern. He was recently prescribed Speech Therapy.  An idea I wasn't fond of at first, but have quickly gotten over.  I mean, one-to-one instruction with a HIGHLY qualified adult weekly. For Free!  You can't beat that.  However, he does have a decent vocabulary.  He knows Momma, Daddy, Maddie, Mawmaw, PawPaw, Pop, Val, Nina(Sprout Goodnight show), Caillou, Bye Ya'll, Juice, Yum, Bubble, Em(Emily), Kens(Kensley, Tyler, Go, No(he uses this one A LOT!), Vroom(his label for cars), Cow, I'll get it, Sit-sit, Football, Where Go?, Okay, Ball, Night Night. There's more, but I can't remember them all.  But, know this, he definitely knows how to communicate his desires. :-)

He's quite musical. He loves to dance and play with any of his toys that play music.  If a show with music comes on, he gets VERY interested in the music. Glee--always a fave, Sesame Street, Little Einsteins, etc...

He's super ticklish and loves to be tickled. After we tickle him, he likes to come tickle us. 

He has developed a silly smile.  This all came about when I started this blog and had my camera out all the time. We told him to smile and say Cheese, so now, all my pictures have him squinting and saying Cheese.  Stinker! 

He loves to climb onto things and does lots of running around. He started walking right at 1, but was still wobbly for a bit.  Not anymore. 

He is still in his crib.  My plan is for him to take it to college with him.  Ha!  No, really, I would like for him to stay in it until he either won't fit or climbs out. 

He does still use a pacifier, but only at night.  We had to get rid of it during the daytime in August for daycare. But I just can't make him give it up at bedtime.  (it may also be me loving my full night's sleep) 

He loves to play pretend.  He will bring us something imaginary and put it in our hands and then come check to make sure we are still holding it.  He also loves to get one of his blankets, cover up and say Night Night.

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