Monday, January 3, 2011

Daddy Time

Samuel spent the last couple of days having some quality Daddy time. I did a Wal-Mart run and had to go back to work today, so here is some of what I came home to both days.

Yep, that's a onesie fastened over his jeans.  

Could any more toys be out? 

Why yes, yes there could. 

I didn't take a picture of the rest of the room. To the right, you would have seen all of his cars, all of his tools, and all of his blocks all out on the floor.  Plus, a few blankets scattered around.

For Casey to be so anal retentive about cleanliness and tidiness, Samuel has somehow managed to make him forget all of that. 

1 comment:

J said...

The top picture is hysterical!!!!