Here are just a few pics from my phone.
Pop wanted a pic for his phone.
Samuel had a no biting or hitting day at school, so he got Baskin Robbins.
One of the nights Casey was gone to Prescott for opening week of deer season, we got into our pajamas early and had breakfast for dinner. He chose donuts over biscuits.
Avoiding bedtime.
This was after a whole week of good behavior!
Another good day! Can you tell we are in the bribery stage of discipline? :-)
Another stalling tactic. Nope, he's not potty trained, nor does he EVER act interested unless we want him to do something he doesn't want to.
Last Sunday, he had a diaper malfunction, so we came home from church in just our sweater, diaper, and church shoes. He wasn't the tiniest bit phased by it. He still got his sucker for using good manners when we left the Children's wing.
After his bath time one night last week, he put his washcloth back on his head and came running in saying, "Look, I'm like mommy with a towel on my head."
He loves to read! Aunt Juju showed Samuel the Pigeon books.