This past week has been standardized testing for K-2nd Grade in all public schools. I am our building's test coordinator, so I've been super stressed out trying to keep everything coordinated and secure and by the rules.
I needed a day of down time.
I got it.
We spent the morning inside and just hanging out watching some Sprout cartoons and LOTS of playing.
Casey went out to grab some milk and got us Taco Bell for lunch. Samuel ate 1 1/2 bean burritos! I mean tore them up quicker than Casey and I could eat our tacos!
After naptime, we wne outside to join Casey. He has begun our annual Pool Cleaning. We don't have a cover for the pool, so we have to get all of the winter debris out before the clean water process starts. It takes a few days to get that ball rolling.
Samuel wanted to wear my flip flops.
For those of you who know Casey, you know that he is frugal to the point of absurdity sometimes. Well this might be one of those times.
Do you see what he's doing? Yep, he's duct taping two of our old pool poles together in an attempt to make one sturdy pole. We have to buy one every year, so I guess he's just trying to put it off as long as possible.
I was able to get a promise that he would have the new one purchased before we did the first big vacuum. That vacuum requires both of us and HAS to have a good pole.
He's teaching Samuel the value of duct tape early.