Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scrappin Heifers

So I told you about my hesitance about scrapbooking.  Here are the ladies who convinced me otherwise.  This is a wonderful group of Christian ladies from Conway and Central Arkansas. So, not only was I surrounded by fun women, they were Godly women.  We had such a wonderful time of fellowship and fun.  

Here's our door prize exchange time.  I feel so bad for the lady who got my gift.  I was so new, I had no idea what to buy.  I'll take her something special next time. No, seriously, it was that pitiful.  I got the coolest little storage container for all of the brads and eyelets.  I can't wait to fill it!   

We took a group picture for Conway's local magazine, 501.  We used my camera, so I got the picture!  Bonus!

Now for the highlight of my weekend.  I got to meet a wonderful lady, Heather.  I have been reading her blog since August.  I LOVE HER!  She is quite possibly the sweetest lady around. I got so excited when I walked in and saw her!  It took all my self control to not squeal! 

One of the sweetest things about her is her love for her kiddos.  She would call them every day and tell them how much she loved them.  She told Connor once that she loved him more than all the animals at Heifer Ranch and another time more than all the people at their church. I got a little teary eyed everytime she said it.  I can't wait to talk on the phone like that to Samuel. 

1 comment:

Heather said...

You are too sweet to me! I had a blast with you...and I am so glad you are hooked on scrappin now!!