Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years' Day

 We spent New Years' Day just hanging out in our pajamas.  It was such a good day!  Samuel had some good quality time with Maddie, our dog. 

I have a friend from high school, who recently lost her dog, so it has made me appreciate Maddie even more.  She is so good with Samuel.  He crawls all over her, pulls on her paws, ears, tail-basically torments her.  Maddie was Samuel's first word. 

That evening, we had some wonderful friends over.  John and Dagni Frederick.  John is one of Casey's best friends.  He and Dagni got married in September and are living in Georgia.  John is a surgeon and Dagni is a Respiratory Therapist.  We love them. 

We let Grant come over, too. 

I just realized that I didn't get a picture of Tom that night. I've mentioned him 3 times now and have no photo evidence that he even exists. :)

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