Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh Samuel!

Here are some recent pictures of Samuel.  He's such a stinker.  I love how he keeps us laughing and always on alert. 

As a teacher, it has been ingrained in me to keep kids under control. Make them mind.  Make them be quiet.  He's breaking all of my rules.  Everyday! 

He always helps me unload the groceries.  I wasn't able to snap a picture, but just before this he had picked up both 12 packs and actually made it a few steps!  Little Hoss!

Just recently, Samuel has started really playing with cars or toys with wheels.  He now pushes them around and says, ,"Vroom, Vroom!"  I love it!  Thinking about one of the rugs with the roads on it. 

He has also discovered TV.  We have Comcast, so we are able to get Sprout.  A channel that shows only PBS cartoons.  I love that if he is watching it, I don't have to worry about anything he hears or sees.  He is all about Caillou, Elmo, Kipper, and the Wiggles. 

Oh, the ball pit!  Samuel got this last year for his birthday--Thanks, MawMaw!  He really didn't play in it much til this summer, but he gets in it every day now.  His latest thing is to throw himself backwards and yell, "Weeeeee!" 

Because Samuel's birthday is so close to Christmas, we did some stashing of toys until later.  These made an appearance this summer, only to be ignored or knocked over when Daddy built a tower.  We pulled them out this weekend and he actually started stacking them!  We did all kinds of cheering and celebrating! 

When I picked Samuel up today at school, these were in his cubby.  I've seen them on the wall in the classroom as displays, but now I get to hang them on our refrigerator!  I LOVE them!

1 comment:

J said...

He is becoming such a big boy! I love the little personality that he is continuing to develop!