Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lazy Saturday

I've been looking for a lazy Saturday since October. I finally found one.  Sameul and I decided, okay-I decided, to have the day in our PJ's. 

Samuel woke up around 7:30, just in time for me to bring him to our room and let him watch some Caillou in bed.  Truthfully, it was to help me wake all the way up.  :-)

After I "came to" and Samuel started pilfering in our nightstands and with our alarm clocks, we moved to the living room to play and just hang out.  We ate honey toast, watched some Sprout and managed to dump out every bucket of toys.  Every bucket. 

This is one of Samuel's current favorite toys.  Every time you put a ball down the ramp or the little car, it sings a jaunty little tune.  He squeals every time it starts the music. 

The video is from a few weeks ago when it was 80 degrees still.  The red PJ pictures are from today(with the Arctic blast coming in.)

We did some hanging out with Maddie, too.  No day is complete without some Maddie wrestling. 

Samuel refused to eat the chicken spaghetti leftovers(if you read my earlier post about my cooking, you'll understand why,) so he got a bowl of Rice Krispies.  It was his first time eating cold cereal(that I've witnessed, anyway) ande did so good.  No spills or anything.

After naptime, we headed to the new Target(so close to our house-YAY!!) to get a few necessities. After Target, we went to Aunt Linda's to see MawMaw, Emily and Tyler.  Shan and Dave got through shopping and came over later.  We had so much fun today. 

He's in bed now.  I'm going to fold some launday and head to bed soon, too. 

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